I believe that the goal of Christian education is to equip students in mind and character to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The universe is created to reflect God’s glory, and therefore ‘all truth is God’s truth.’ Consequently, all subjects from spelling to science ought to be taught from a distinctively Christian worldview whereby the source and meaning of life is rooted in God Himself. God has uniquely revealed Himself through His authoritative Word—the Bible. Therefore we ought to see the Bible as the most relevant book on earth, and must study it with absolute precision and care. The teachings of the Bible should permeate every subject taught. Christians have a responsibility to be able to give an articulate, reasoned defense of their beliefs (1 Pet. 3:15-16; Jude 3), and to play an active role in reaching people from every tongue, tribe, and nation for Christ (Mat. 28:19-20). A Christian education ought to equip and motivate students to lovingly fulfill these responsibilities.
The primary means of sanctification is the transformation of mind in accordance with the truth (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:10). Through Christian education students should increasingly see reality rightly, and thus be transformed. Recognizing that we almost never act contrary to what we truly believe, it is imperative that an open and honest educational environment is maintained where students are free to discover truth, rather than forced to regurgitate ideas they do not believe. In this way students will develop a holistic Christian worldview that impacts all areas of life rather than a compartmentalized faith impotent to effect genuine transformation. In sum, Christian education ought to result in the creation of intelligent, thoughtful, warm-hearted Christians who wear Christ attractively.