advice, apologetics, Bible, Culture, gospel, homosexuality, politics Truth Is Inherently Controversial Bart CruzMarch 20, 2019April 10, 2020 What should the Christian expect when we are called to speak truth? An inevitable reality is that Christians will always…
apologetics, atheism, Christopher Hitchins, William Lane Craig Debate Review Nathanael KingApril 8, 2009March 12, 2019 On Saturday night, I attended a debate at Biola University between William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchins on the question,…
Antony Flew, apologetics, atheism, book reviews, There Is A God A Review of “There Is a God” by Antony Flew Nathanael KingFebruary 8, 2009March 12, 2019 I recently finished reading the book, There is A God by Antony Flew. The subtitle for the book is “How…