abortion, featured, pro-life, social media, stem cell research Why I Cannot Accept the Ice-Bucket Challenge Nathanael KingAugust 19, 2014March 9, 2019 Recently, I’ve received a few “ALS ice-bucket challenges” which I cannot accept. I don’t fault any of my friends for…
Dallas Willard, featured, mentor Dallas Willard, My Mentor Nathanael KingMay 9, 2013March 9, 2019 Dallas Willard died today. That’s what the news says anyway. But if you could talk to Dallas, I think you’d…
arminianism, calvinism, featured, middle-knowledge, molinism, reformed theology, William Lane Craig The Problems with Divine Determinism Nathanael KingApril 19, 2010March 9, 2019 William Lane Craig just posted a wonderful summary of some of the problems with divine determinism, which is what most…
Bible, calvinism, faith, featured Is faith a gift? Yes and No. Nathanael KingDecember 22, 2008March 9, 2019 Is faith a gift? This is an important question for those interested in soteriology. To answer this question, we must…